
Why doesn't Gordon Brown just tell these idiots that "Religion is the Opium of the People" So shut UP!

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Brown and his Lefty mates are always vilifying Religion!

Why don't they tell these idiots to shut up?




  1. I watched a programme that brought this story up, and considered that if those students who attend these well known Universities are indeed harbouring people who do not have UK best interests at heart, ie that if or when it was time for them to fight for their beliefs in the land of their adoption then the UK is heading for a serious war. And i am concerned because we live in a high density area of Asian peoples, many who by the way have no interest in being British, English whatever and will tell you so to your face. If as i said once to a friend, if  this country was involved in a world conflict, which side would these people fight on, and not just going on that report which i have seen and read but going on my own experiences on living amongst people from a completely different  culture and ideology i would imagine not for GB.  

  2. Maybe because they're not right wing bigots, and believe people should be free to believe in what they want?

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