
Why doesn't HI have an NFL team?

by Guest58676  |  earlier

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That would be sweet!




  1. It is a good idea!  The only reason I can think of is the travel and the jet lag the players would have.  I would love to see it though.

  2. Yes But Too Much Traveling why not have a NFL Team in London and Amsterdam and Berlin, Hawaii with a NFL Team not a Bad Idea.

  3. An NFL team would lose money in Hawaii. It's too isolated to create a big enough fan base, and more important, to sell tickets. If no one can go to the game, then the team won't make any money.

  4. I'm guessing Chris doesn't know the abbreviation for Hawaii, lol. Their state is too unpopular and they probably don't have the money to buy an NFL team.  

  5. Small market and distance.

  6. Two good reasons are: Too small a fan base and too far too travel.

  7. the market, is too small.

  8. Because 30 people Might show up to the games!  its a sunday afternoon, 78 degrees in November with 6-8 ft swells...Hey lets go to a football game!

  9. I just moved from Hawaii like 6 months ago. It would never work because fan base isn't good enough and with a good percentage of the island being military deployed in Iraq, it would never work.

  10. Too far away.  If Hawaii gets one Alaska will want one next.  

  11. Hawaii doesn't have the population to support a professional team be it baseball or football,there are many states in the main land that would be better in supporting a team than Hawaii

  12. Its all about demand. Texas wanted another team and people were going to pay for it, so they got the texans. Same with the Jags.

    If people in Hawaii arent going to pay for it, its to time consuming, and to costly to put a team there.

  13. The reason Hawaii doesnt have a team is because the fan base is too small. The owner would not be able to make enough in revenue. Also he and the others would have to spend a lot of money for travel. 8 of his games would be at least a 6 hour flight away. Its just not cost effective for an owner.

    By the way, Schuy. That is the abbreviation for Hawaii and "an unpopular state"? Yeah nobody ever goes to that little rock in the Pacific!! Because it's "unpopular"!

  14. Hawiaa (dont be too critical on the spelling) doesnt have an NFL team

    becuase of airline prices and a poor fan base.  Probably.  They do seem to love the Warriors though.

  15. If they can't sell out the Probowl or the college team then they don't need a NFL team. Its too far from the rest of the teams anyway

  16. Idk. maybe because it would take to long to fly back and fourth.

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