
Why doesn't IRL get any attention for the racing?

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I'm serious. No one talks about Indy unless 1) something happens with Danica, or 2) someone's on broadcast TV dancing. How can IRL get positive attention directed toward the competitiveness of the sport? And don't say Kill Danica ;)




  1. Two words: DANICA MANIA!!

    The IRL is on an upswing. The series is unified, so true fans I guess are turning back to the sport... but that shouldn't worry NASCAR a bit :P

  2. yea it is pretty boring, why i dont know it is but the same guys win...i know it happens in nascar too but the field has 43 guys not 24

  3. they market the racing for a marketing plan, I mean Danica is nothing more than a "C" listed driver, he team has the money, I do not think that she is even the best female driver out there, Kathrine Legge has shown some skill at least. If the powers that be in the IRL want to be looked at seriously hire the best drivers. Nowadays it is not the best drivers but just who can get sponsorship. Dario, Tracy, Tags, JV are all top drivers but no sponsership.

  4. Two words.  Spec series.  Maybe 2010 will return with turboes, two or more engines, and maybe another chassis (though I doubt it).  As for the Tony haters, get over it.  It will come back.  It just takes time.

  5. The racing gets a lot of attention if you follow the sport..People who don't follow the sport, yes you hear about Danica Mania, and Duno c**p, yes Helio was on Dancing with the Stas (duh he won).. Theres lots of competition, you just have to follow it..We've had first time winners this yr, its been a great yr to be a Irl fan. We have more cars finally and in the long run, with the Champ Cars guys here now, its only gonna get better. I think IRL is great, and yes we have Paul Tracy at Edmonton this weekend.. Theres tons more than Danica, but hey she has brought over more fans so what she sells seats, and has fans..  The competition is there, its just MEDIA IDIOTS that tend to run all the non racing issues in the ground.

    Go Helio

  6. Kill Danica

    oh wait!

    If Danica was not here today, the sport would not be a popular, and thats pretty sad

    They really need to prevent all of the big drivers in IRL head towards a crappy time in NASCAR

    Its sad to see Open-Wheel Racing like this but its true

    They should have never split, then Champ Car would be on top right now

    But the merge was a good thing for the sport

  7. Indy racing is just not good.  I love openwheel racing, especially F1 which I'm addicted to.  But these IRL races just arent good.  I still watch them and I agree that I get sick of hearing about the sideshow garbage.

  8. It's because Tony George SCREWED Open Wheel racing with his hard headed decision 10 years or so ago.

    The IRL is on the mend and it will take time to regain trust from TV networks and sponsors. A comany might have a hard time shelling out millions of dollars if the racecar they "decorate" is pre-empted for a freaking bowling match on the "ESPN classical history channel" or what ever those ESPN channels are.

    I'm a fan of ALL racing and I must say, with the speed of the IRL cars ..( 25-40mph faster than Cup cars on same ovals),I find it more exciting at times. I got turned off NASCAR a bit when all the cars started looking the same and all the same dudes keep winning.  As a kid I remember when they were 3 wide at Talladega, coming off turn 4 and you could TELL it was a T-Bird and a couple Monte Carlos fighting for a win....Now it's just a blur of ....well....three cars.....

    I still follow NASCAR, NHRA, IRL, F1 ....I love it ALL!

    The IRL just needs to keep gaining momentum by increasing attendance( which they have).. they added Coca-Cola as a series sponsor this year, Peak Antifreez sponsors the Pole Award. With the merger we now have a McDonalds car in the field.

    It's just going to take time to prove that open wheel racing in America CAN be successful and I challenge ALL racing fans to give it a try....IT's a different animal from the mainstream idea of NASCAR but these teams and drivers are very dedicated and talented as well.

    Roger Penske will be at his IRL race even if he has a race in ALMS or NASCAR the same day....It's fun and in time OWR will once again stake it's claim with Americans...

    Shame on you Tony George for effing up a good thing..

  9. Perhaps they should have more advertising.

    More races on network television.

    And they should have more than just one driver with celebrity status.

    I still wouldn't have a clue as to who Helio is if I weren't watching IRL, I never saw the dance show.

    And unfortunately, with Danica, her over the top melo-dramatic act will most likely continue to boost ratings, she's the one driver with celebrity status I was referring to, she's the "face" of IRL.

    It's time for a few new faces!

  10. Because It's predictable. After a first few laps of the Indy 500 I told my friend Scott Dixon would win guess who won? Scott Dixon. In my opinion the IRL could maybe do a little bit more broadcasting for the races I was watching FOX one time, and every once in a while I would see a commercial for the NASCAR race, where they were racing, and what time it started, and what was at stake , or maybe if by chance have a few close finishes, or three wide racing, or not have the same guys win almost every time, or a three wide, or side-by-side finish

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