
Why doesn't John's mom wear underwear ?

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Why doesn't John's mom wear underwear ?




  1. Ask  lil John.

  2. If she is wearing jeans or similiar than maybe she is trying to hide unsightly panty marks. If she wears a short skirt than she is just feeling very s**y and horny.

  3. Maybe she doesn't wear underwear because she doesn't own any clean ones?  

  4. Maybe its uncomfortable for her. And how do you know she doesn't?

  5. not everyone wear underwear they are not comfortable

  6. oh real nice rick. real real nice. god i wish you weren't such a jerk.

  7. Why are you looking up her dress.  Ask John himself and do not be surprised if you write back and ask a question under dental for broken jaw from John himself.

  8. Because she's sensible, perhaps.

  9. And you know this...HOW?

  10.   Did you take a look?

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