
Why doesn't Josh Smith get more credit as a defensive stopper in the NBA?

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Seriously, the guy's stats are amazing for his position and he has clearly shown a commitment to doing the "little things" on defense that don't show up on the stat sheet. It just blows my mind that Smith isn't mentioned in the same breath with Prince or Artest, as - in my mind - he is at, if not even above their level, on defense.




  1. Likely because he plays for the Hawks who are considered a bad team and no body sees him play very often.

  2. Because Prince, Artest, Battier, and Bruce Bowen are great ON BALL defenders... Smith Usually comes from the weak side to help on a play... like if someone is driving to the lane against Joe Johnson, smith would come from behind and block the shot or steal the ball... He has Good on ball D, just not great on ball D... and thats the primary reason...

  3. He is underrated.  He is more than a weak side defender.  He intimidates and alters many more shots than he blocks.  He gets steals and impossible rebounds.  

    I think he doesn't get the credit because the Hawks are not known for winning and he is still a young player who still makes dumb mistakes every game.

  4. Josh Smith is  freak of nature but all he does for has team hasn't really meant them doing anything significant. I love his numbers and his repitoire and how he plays but he is just in a really BAD situation down there with the Hawks.

  5. cause he is still young in the NBA and he plays for the Hawks and i barely see any Hawks games on tv

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