
Why doesn't Kobe slash to the hoop anymore like he did 5 6 7 8 years ago?

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His shot selection was better back then!




  1. Since his rape case. The Judge ordered Kobe to wear a Chastity belt. He must wear it at all times and his wife is the only one who has the key. This device is so medevil that it ways him down so much.

  2. Kobe is 30 hes not guna dunk on people. When he gets older if he gets hurt it would end his career. At least he has his jump shot to fall back on

  3. he's 8 years older!!!! proffessional athletes careers tend to be short,athletic performance degrades with far as ur body is concerned,at 30 u may look gr8 and fit,but ur reflexes and muscles are on a downward slide,even if u do ur best.peak physical fitness?mid teens to early 20's.sad but true.

  4. cuz he sucks

  5. What is everyone saying? Are you all out of your minds? Kobe hasn't declined athletically at all. If anything he's improved.

    A few years ago, Kobe felt like he was getting pushed around on the court, so he added 15 pounds of muscle to his lanky frame. One or two summers ago, he shed a little bit of that excess weight so he could be quicker and more explosive.

    30 years old is the typical peak of an NBA players career, in terms of athleticism. Combined with Kobe's ridiculous work ethic he should last longer then others did. As for why he doesn't drive as much as he did 5-8 years ago? 5-8 years ago Kobe didn't really have a jump shot. He had to work on it until he finally became the dangerous shooter he is today. So my guess would have to be that he feels that he doesn't need to drive in and have his body absorb so much punishment day in and day out when he can just use that pretty J of his.That or he just feels like he can do more for his team by shooting 3's.

  6. he can't, they have no real passer other then him on the court. also he usually has the ball anyway

  7. Kobe is getting old, he can't move quickly like that anymore - he is about 35 years of age... so it makes sense

  8. Because he has lost a step...and good defenses are causing him to either take bad shots or pass the ball......

  9. Because the NBA modern defense have improved, teams Zone defense have improved so much since the Jordan era that it is much more difficult for elite players like Kobe to easily go to hoop, Kobe's still got he can still get to the hoop, but not as much because NBA teams have improved there zone defense, so Kobe is forced to take outside shots and develop a fadeaway jumper, in order to be more producitve offensively.

  10. he did up until last year ... his got a busted finger his been playing on since the mid season .... and everytime he drives to the basket he gets waked on it....

  11. older

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