He pushed Byron Russel to the floor on the last shot to hit a game winner that clearly was a offensive foul in any league you play in.
e fights Reggie Miller and gets a slap on the wrist mean while Reggie Miller is crucified and thrown in Guantanomo Bay for touching micheal (even though MJ choked him up). There were rumors that the NBA broke up the bad boys just so MJ could win a tittle (only team that could contain MJ).
Not to mention he was rarely called for fouls. It was & is no secret that NBA refferee's were afraid to call anything against him.
Personally i think if Bill Russel got this special treatment i think he would be not only the greatest basketball player ever, but one of the top 4 atheletes to play sports ever.
Don't get me wrong MJ is the great but why doesn't he recieve any thing bad?
I think Kobe is more skilled but MJ a better competior and all around better.
Yes he did beat some teams that might have been dynastys like the Utah Jazz, Phoneix Suns, Seattle, Orlando. . .