
Why doesn't McDonald's bring back the McPizza...the best pizza in the city?

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Why doesn't McDonald's bring back the McPizza...the best pizza in the city?




  1. What the heck? McPizza...??

  2. Oh my I feel so sorry for you.  To live in a place that must have such horrid pizza that you think that McDonald's had the "best pizza in the city".  That is sad...  It is very hard for me to even grasp the concept of a place so devoid of pizza.  I have never heard that McDonald's had a pizza, and it is the last place  I would purchase a pizza ( or did you already grasp that)

    Please do yourself a big favor and please visit Chicago.

  3. McPizza Im Guessing This Is Only In The US.

  4. It wasn't selling very well for some reason so they got rid of it...i liked it because what's better than a pizza with fries on the side !  With the price of food now a days the pizza combo would be expensive anyways.  McDonald's has been slowling raising their prices of combo meals over the past years.  I remember a time when you could get a combo meal for under 4 a McChicken combo costs almost 7 bucks, i had one yesterday and i was shocked at the price !  I might have to stick to taco bell they seem to be the only one lowering their prices !

  5. There never was a such thing as the McPizza.  I can understand why you would feel this way because its about the only thing that they haven't done yet.  They used to have the McRib.  However I also say that having pizza on a McDonald's menu just doesn't fit.  They are a "burgers & fries" type of place.  So to have pizza would upset the balance...

  6. I think they don't bring it back because Pizza Hut has a great personal pizza you can order at the Drive Thru window over at Taco Bell.  At least in my area.  At any rate, the one at Pizza Hut was way better tasting.

  7. McDonald is a burger joint.

  8. if they could make money at they would bring it back in an instant. they try out new items in certain test cities that are supposed to be 'average'. not enough people in their test markets liked it.

  9. wow i've never heard of a mc pizza!!! lol

  10. McPizza?  lol where was this..I never heard of it

  11. because it's a all about the BIG MACS.

  12. I've never heard about the McPizza :O but they SHOULD bring it back so I can have a taste of it:] and to the Big Macs, psh.. those things aren't even big, seriously!

  13. the Mcpizza was nasty to me

    Im from MI and they never sold it in MI but I tried it when i went to Canada, bad experience...

  14. There is even McPizza? I didn't know it.

  15. Whatever happened to their salad shakers?

  16. Wow do you have taste buds or a head injury!!!??

    Lame mid-nineties attempt by McDonald's to sell pizza in their North American restaurants. Preceded by saturation marketing that scared the living daylights out of the regular pizza places, who figured that the Golden Arches was going to run them out of business. This didn't happen -- the resulting pizza was bland (like much of McD's food offerings), and most people who actually wanted pizza went to a pizza place like they always had. The company and its franchisees were left on the hook for expensive new ovens and widened drive through windows that weren't needed. Even saturation marketing wasn't enough to change the pizza habits of ordinary Americans, and McPizza was gradually abandoned, and generally forgotten. This was a sign that the Golden Arches wasn't always right, and a harbinger of the relative decline that McDonald's has since suffered relative to other fast food options.

  17. I just want them to bring back the characters, Hamburglar, etc, forget the pizza, it was the equivalent of food court pizza, um, cheese on cardboard!

  18. I think its because Mc Donalds was originately opened for a burger shop...

  19. What about the McRib.  Why not just have the McRib all year.

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