
Why doesn't Michelle McCool defend her title?

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I think she should because I think Natalya is deserving as well as Victoria and now Maryse is challenging her. I still can't believe she won over Natalya.




  1. Okay first of all to A Beth Of Fresh Air: Victoria has been in the WWE longer then Michelle McCool, and Maryse put togther. Now that said She is defending against Maryse at Unforgiven. Though she'll most likely retain. However my pick to get the belt would be Victoria. Now the reason she hasn't defended it is because it's not consider a major title by the WWE, and they weren't sure who to have her defend it against.

  2. i think she'll put it on the line at Unforgiven against Natalya or Maryse

  3. I hope there will be a Diva Scramble with: Michelle McCool-Maryse-Victoria-Natalya And Brie Bella

  4. because she doesn't want to.

  5. Too busy doing the Undertaker.

  6. if any i hope victoria gets the belt dont get me wrong michelle is my favorite diva but they should give other diva's a shot

  7. Many people are going to disagree with this.

    The WWE seems to have this seniority thing going. I think that since Maryse has been in the picture on WWE for a few years, that's why they are likely to give her a push first. This takes nothing away from the divas like Natalya & Victoria. I know that they are more talented. But, they usually don't seem to give super-pushes to the better talents unless they have a really widely recognized resume. I think this is how the Playboy Divas get over on the actual female wrestlers.

    EDIT: YG, Victoria has already been Women's Champion. I think that they are using the Diva's Championship to try to promote fresh faces.

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