
Why doesn't Michelle Obama wear the colors of the American flag?

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Other candidate's wives have always worn red or blue at the nomination, but Michelle chose to wear pink (as in communist?). Barack also wore a pink tie instead of red or blue. I noticed Biden's wife did wear red, but were the Obamas sending a message or just displaying once again that they are new to all of this?




  1. Because she isn't tacky.

    Do you wear red white and blue everyday? Are you still an American.

  2. Wow. You've got to be a Republican.

    Maybe her undies are red, white and blue. Is it that important.  

  3. This is a such a stupid question and you should delete it before you get ridiculed.  

  4. Pink isn't the color of the communist red is.  If they had worn red you would've said they were communist.  :::yawn:::  

  5. exactly why her husband doesn't they don't care about america

  6. umm how is pink a communist color. isnt their color red?  

  7. Do not try to rationalize with libs it is not possible and yes she is a communist.

  8. So now the color clothes we wear shows how patriotic we are?

    That's stupid.  

  9. Alright, if shallow analysis and completely off-the-wall conclusions are how some wish to conduct political discourse, then I guess Michelle Obama's choice of dress color is fair game for political discussion.  I rather concentrate on real issues.

  10. Michelle doesn't wear red, white, or blue because she is a far-left socialist that hates her own country.

  11. This must be a joke question. No one associates pink with Communism.

    Thinking about it, I think I've seen you making pro-Obama comments before. Yup, this is definitely a joke question.

  12. I agree with sinless atheist. Delete this question. Don't embarrass yourself. This question is dumb and it's a non issue. Get a life. you women are so jealous of her for some reason. I guess it's because she's beautiful AND intelligent.

  13. Honestly, i was told that there advisors tell them what to wear.

    I hope this doesnt help you chose who you are gonna vote for, because they wore pink...

    and what time are you talking about my dear? Obama had a blue tie on the other night??

    I know that woman has red and blue and alot of beautiful colors hanging in her closet...

    Im voting for Obama, no matter what color they have on.

    He is an American..and he is proud of that.

  14. wow...a question can really say alot about one....

    from this one..i know you are stupid as h**l!!!

  15. WTF? who cares what are you, fashion cops I have lots of Blue shirts but no red pants or red shirts..(oh wait Red is commie too right?) I don't judge politics on apparel, red white and blue undies? who freakin cares...are you Thomas SR's wife?

  16. Is this a serious question? It's even lamer than the lapel pin questions. It sounds like you're implying she's not patriotic if she's not wear the good ol' red, white and blue.

    If you're going to read into her choice of colors, why wouldn't you assume she's wearing pink because that's the color of the Breast cancer awareness foundation?  

    Aren't communists also known for being "Red"?

  17. You must be kidding.

    I bet you're wearing brown.

  18. You just answered your own question. P.S. Obama and  Michelle does not have good judgement in anything they  do..

  19. She has worn clothing that has been red, blue or white.  She has worn many colors.  You question is yet another crazy republican smear about nothing.  We are now equating the color pink that many women wear, to them being communist?  

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