
Why doesn't New York City offer plea bargains for traffic tickets?

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It seems like just about everywhere in the country outside of New York City, you have the opportunity to receive a plea bargain reduction offer where you can plead guilty to a lesser charge and avoid going to trial. But in New York City, you are not given this opportunity. Every traffic infraction goes straight to trial, with no option for a plea bargain, where you will either be found guilty or not guilty. Why doesn't New York City offer plea bargains?




  1. maybe you can go to a small claims court OR get a private judge OR a mediation OR arbitration......but i think the answer is because New York City is large and if they did that a lot more people would be getting away with things and plus the city needs to make money....our economy is bad enough.....good luck

  2. Because in NYC, they will find you guilty no matter what.  So why would they bargain down anything.

    I live in NYC.  I stopped going to traffic court to fight my ticket when I saw a lawyer put up a good defense - only to be found guilty.  The lawyer was shocked.  He thought he had a slam dunk.

    This city sucks this way.

    good Luck...

  3. They need your money.

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