
Why doesn't Obama like Nuclear Power?

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I mean Nuclear Plants power the country 30%, and there are very few Power Plants. If we expanded the Nuclear Power industry we could power the whole nation with Nuclear Power! It also produces low ammounts of waste, and we can just put that stuff in a mountain, so if it gets loose no harm will be done! So wh is Obama relying on other stuff like wind power which is only 40% effective, I like to see him find the money to get all those wind mills up?




  1. Nuclear power... What if an accident happened at a plant or if nuclear waste bunker started leaking. RADIATION. I'm just telling you excuses he can use to fight you. I'm not against it, but I know that its more risky than putting up solar panels.

  2. Though the waste is small it is very toxic.  To put it in a mountain sounds reasonable but to keep making it soon the mountain is full and it is leaching into soil and water and it is so dangerous.  They dumped it into the oceans and now bringing it out in rusty containers it is just to dangerous.

    My idea was to put in on space ships or rockets and send it to the sun.  But that is not cost effective, those things are expensive.  It can cause great harm and cancer and there is the threat it can be used against us.

    My idea is every new house build have to sustain its own power.  Like solar pannels on the roof.  Wind mills in the back yard.  Geothremal heat pumps that go down into the ground.  That has been very successful.

    I think natural gas is a renewable resource and we have seen cars powered by propane which is the same thing.

    Ton's came be made from city sewerage waste, chicken house waste, milk barn waste.  They have made lot's of power sources, from wind to water falls and dams.

    None of these hurt anyone or can be used to hurt anyone.

    They do not hurt the enviroment or cause cancer.

    In Japan they already showed it worked.

    I saw the article in the newspaper, this city build a power plant over the city sewerage system and got enough power to run the city.  Including trains.

  3. Because it provides a cheap, viable energy solution, and as long as they have a stake in bigger government, and people looking to the government to provide for the masses, independence of this kind is damaging to their goals...

  4. because nuclear waste is very hazardous. if nuclear power were to power the whole country, everyone would be in danger of being poisoned by radioactive waste. there are other ways to power the nation that are less dangerous and cause less pollution: hydroelectricity.

  5. Obama has no foundation of knowledge to fall on when judging the value of any power options let alone nuclear power.

    Obama need problems and he needs to be able to blame someone if he is going to succeed at his grab for power. How can you vote for Obama if everything is great? After all he is all about change? Nobody knows what change he is talking about but he is for it!

    Obama wants us all to plug into the Matrix and follow his program, he isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  6. Unfortunately, the "low amounts of waste" that Nuclear Power DOES create- is VERY Dangerous, & NOBODY wants it in their "Backyard"! Obama believes in a "Clean up as We go" Policy- where any waste that IS created, has a SAFE means of storage OR is recyclable... And right now, there are many, MANY, TONS of Nuclear Waste -piling up around the Country from the Power Plants we already have, that has NO place to go... So rather than ADD to the Problem, Obama wants to fix IT- first, and THEN consider the Nuclear "Option"...

  7. To be different

  8. nuclear power is also a security threat. What if a plane was to be sent into one?  Also human errors can cause an incident just like Chernobyl.( A huge nuclear power plant disaster in Russia caused by human error that still effects people living in the area and that killed and harmed many)...i agree with you...i think nuclear is great but i think we need to use a combination of many of the renewable resources with nuclear. Just one is not enough to do the big job.

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