
Why doesn't Obama sue Larry Sinclair for slander if he didn't have sexual relations with him?

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Larry Sinclair said he did drugs and had sexual relations with Barack Obama, why isn't he being sued...




  1. People who attack political candidates are immune from law suites. They can't get sued. The same laws do not apply for political people running for office as you and me, as far a libel and slander suites are concerned. By the way, McCain still poops his pants and Cindy McCain pees the bed.

  2. For the same reason Bill Clinton isn't suing Monica Lewinsky....

  3. I'll say it cause no one else will because it's true.

  4. It's not worth the money to fight him.

    What will he win? An apology? A part of his SSI payment?

  5. Why bother?  Most well known people don't take the time and resources to sue every crackpot.  It would only highlight their claims...right?

    Besides, Sinclair's own backers debunked him when he failed the lie detector tests!

  6. People in the public eye rarely sue for slander as it only attracts more attention to the slander.  Most just choose to live with it in hopes that the public will see that some people will say anything for money and attention.

  7. yeah or the new york times best seller obamanation.because it's true i would think.

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