
Why doesn't Obama wave his mighty hand and make Hurricane Gustav dissipate?

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"The sky will open, the light will come down...."




  1. Because he will do the same as what was done with Katrina.He will blame it on Bush.The hurricane and aftermath will be Bush fault.

  2. That bitter Katrina fiasco is still in your mouth from W

  3. Believe me he tried. He snorted a line and thought he was God.  

  4. Well, since we're riding the crazy train, I might as well throw in and say, "Because he's the one causing it. Figures it'd be an easier election if he kills McCain with Gustav."

  5. He doesn't want to interfere with our Free Will.

  6. only god can make this happen

  7. Obama is not a god. Global Warming is to blame

  8. Moore says it is a sign from God, so following your thinking Obama has called for the hurricane to disrupt the RNC convention.  

  9. Because he is only a human, do you know anyone who can do it?

  10. Why doesn't Bush?

  11. thats because of some stupid person asking stupid questions like this

  12. I thinks it's funny how that one stupid preacher was praying for rain on the night of Obama's speech and not a drop....but  look God sent a hurricane to ruin the RNC....see Democrats pray too!

    too bad it just can't go up the Miss. river right to St. Paul!

  13. Uh, Bush is still the President. Also only God can do what you are speaking of!


    MCCAIN/PALIN 08!!!

  15. The Dems think Bush is the god of the winds.

    I don't believe in that kind of stuff.

    Not knocking their beliefs..I just don't share them

  16. he's not prez yet

  17. "Yes we can"  "Yes we can"  "Yes we can"  "Yes we can"

    Obama 08

  18. his hyper inflated ego alone should part the storm!

    behold his mighty hand!

  19. I'm guessing your voting Republican...

    Maybe he will...

  20. Bush has his finger on the button, obviously.

  21. He waved his mighty hand and created Gustav, and just in time, did you hear about who McCain picked for his VP?

  22. He doesn't have to.

    The Holy McCain and Saint Sarah of Palin have gone to fix it personally.

  23. Whatever we do, humans can never defeat the power of mother nature (aka Hurricane Gustav)

  24. Don't worry, after the fiasco that Bush caused after Katrina the Republicans are hoping they can beat Obamam to the punch. We will see McCain stop the hurricane with Cindy's new Hair doo, dress and deflector shoes.

  25. Maybe Bush should pray for it?

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