
Why doesn't PETA do some protesting about the cruel business of thoroughbred horse racing?

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Why doesn't PETA do some protesting about the cruel business of thoroughbred horse racing?




  1. Because PETA is made up of phony do gooders that have no basis in reality.

    They are hypocrites that drive huge gas guzzling cars and SUV's to work and complain about public transport.

    They encourage others to commit illegal acts but refuse to accept any responsibility for these acts.

  2. Wow, you must not know anything at all about that industry. Because horse racing isn't cruel. Those horses are worth millions. Just like the bulls in the PBR. Most of the owners take great care of them (I say most, because like in all aspects of animal care, there are some who do abuse). Of course, they can get hurt on the track racing. Just like humans can get hurt running, playing basketball, and football. The only difference is that horses weigh around 1400 pounds and they don't understand that if they break a leg that they need to lay down for a couple of months for it to heal.  So when something really bad happens, like breaking a leg or two legs, sometimes there is just no other choice than to euthanize them. Because it's the humane thing to do. It would just be cruel to keep them alive. As I already said, they wouldn't understand that we are just trying to help them. They would fight and end up doing even more harm to themselves. I've seen them do this multiple times. It's scary and heartbreaking, but it happens.

    You ought to watch Ruffian, Dreamer, and Seabiscuit. All true stories and shows a very accurate description of the real relationships between most people and their horses.

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