
Why doesn't Queen Elizabeth retire and just enjoy being a?

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  1. Because there is no tradition in the UK of monarchs retiring (i.e. abdicating), you have the job for life.

    ghouly05 -  the Queen works extremely hard (especially considering her age), carries out many engagements every year, holds Garden Parties and investitures every few weeks and whilst Parliament is sitting meets with the Privy Council and the Prime Minister on a weekly basis.

  2. In case you haven't noticed, being Queen is not exactly a taxing job.

  3. being Queen or monarch is a job for life ..............and the queen takes her role very seriously ..........she works hard and has a great knowledge of the events she attends .............she always has to look neat and tidy as she is under the cameras eye and public.......................I'm sure she has days when she really doesn't want to go to "work" just as we all do  but she goes .................

  4. LOL ! Maybe that's what she wants but she has a "name and a country therefore to honor?"

  5. When Queen Elizabeth II took her vows she promised to serve "ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE."

    The job is a lifetime job;one doesn't retire from being a reigning monarch.The royals of England look down on those royals of other countries who do retire;they feel that it is a dereliction of duty.

  6. Have you seen who will be next!

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