
Why doesn't SA Water add fluoride to their water?

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Is there a good explanation for this, or is it only because of the risk of fluorosis?




  1. At the levels a water company adds fluoride, there is no danger of fluoridosis. However, it does cost money. Generally a water company will not fluoridate the water unless every community served by a particular plant agrees that they want their water fluoridated. If 99 communities vote yes and one votes no, that one has veto power.

  2. SA Water does add flouride to the water in Adelaide but not in other country areas.

    There is no risk of flourosis, its only people jumping up and down not knowing the facts.

    In Millicent for example, they dont add flouride either but that's becaues there's enough of it naturally, in fact there's just as much as in Adelaide.  Yet, people 50k's away in Mt Gambier dont want it in the water at all.  If its good enough for the people of Millicent who get it naturally its good enough for the folk in Mt Gambier!!



  3. There is no real medical benefit to have fluoride added to your water which is the reason the US government started this program in the 40's. Some theories state it was the government conducting  tests on us.

    You never know.

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