
Why doesn't Sarah Palin believe that global warming is a fact?

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Even G.W. Bush doesn't deny it anymore.

I'm not talking about the causes of the global warming. Just the fact that it exists.




  1. When the high temp is neg 15 its awfully hard to believe in global warming

    Blue Collar for McCain/Palin

  2. Maybe, like many others, she recognizes that certain cycles exist in our universe that causes 'all' planets to have variable weather cycles.  Something that has been going on for millions of years.    

  3. she lives in alaska. try convincing someone that there is global warming when they live in a place that is covered in ice and snow most of the year.

  4. Because she doesnt care about Global Warming

  5. because she's not too bright

  6. Have you ever been to Alaska. They would welcome some Global Warming. Average mean Winter temperature of -45 degrees.

    She's only going to deny it until it warms up a bit. Don't worry.

  7. Like many scientists, she believes the global warming may not be caused by man.  If it was truly the problem Al Gore has said, why would Gore go out and buy a 100 foot boat to cruise around and use up gas.  Why would Pelosi and friends fly around in private jets which guzzle gas and put out hydrocarbons.  

  8. 2 possibilities, either because her husband works for BP and global warming is bad for business, or because she is a complete idiot

    Hey Semper, stop sayig many scientists... 2 pseudo scientists does not constitute many

  9. puncture a hole in your leftist balloon head, im sure she'll change her fact if we punctured a hole in your head, id definitely notice global warming.  id be a believer!

  10. Maybe she reads more than you...

    Gloabal warming is soooo last year!

  11. How do you know what she believes. Did you see here make a statement or speech on the subject. I don't recall ever hearing about her before last week.

    Are you a resident of Alaska?

    Or are you just guessing before you even know the woman?

    How about siting a reference or a source?

  12. Stop with the lies already.

    "In the upcoming September 2008 issue of Newsmax, Sarah Palin contradicts her party and McCain by saying, "a changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made." "

    "As governor, Sarah Palin created a new "sub-cabinet" agency last September, to advise her office "on the preparation and implementation of an Alaska climate change strategy."  Palin also endorsed efforts to learn more about human impacts on climate change."

  13. She does believe it exists. She, like many people, are not convinced it is cause by man. Natural cycles may very well explain it. In 1977, a chemistry professor of mine said that we were entering another Ice Age and most of Canada would be a glacier by 2000. That did not happen.

  14. Because plenty of republicans do not believe it either, she makes allot of the base feel better.

  15. What do you expect from a creationist! This is quite normal for such people. They don't believe in scientific facts.

  16. Because she doesn't have a very good education and she doesn't believe in going 'green' because it would mean we reduce our oil consumption. She's for Alaska first---drilling in the National Park---and sc*rew the rest of us.

  17. The fact that the solar activity was high during the past 10 years. This effected the temperature on all of the planets.  

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