
Why doesn't Search Mail work? I can't get it to find anything, even common words.?

by  |  earlier

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This has been happening for about a month. Age of the mail I am searching for has no effect--it can't find yesterday's mail. I have same problem on all computers. Search results are always "Sorry, no matches..." or words to that effect. Even when I search for my own name (which is contained in virtually all my nonspam emails) the search says no matches. This is a serious problem since I have 7000 emails over eight years and I need access to them. Thanks, Lou




  1. I just face the same problem. No result for any word I search although I can see lots of it in my InBox. Advanced search? Nothing different. Well...what more can we expect for a free email? If this problem happen more often and we can't except it, than maybe it's a sign to look for another better (free) web mail.

  2. you may need to do an advanced search - if using outlook - go to find - then advanced and be sure to highlight the "folder" you believe it to be in so it searches that folder - if another folder is highlighted it will only look in that location.

    You may want to organize email by topic or client, or whatever - so a search can be trimmed down.  Otherwise you need to do an advanced search for each folder in outlook.

    Try using your mail wizard to have email automatically delivered to a specific folder for whatever topic, client etc it may pertain to.

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