
Why doesn't Ted Nugent join the National Guard?

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I mean, don't get me wrong the guy is a patriot and is gung ho and pretty forward with his stance on the Constitution but.... Someone so gung ho and never served yet acts like he's in the military and pissed and **** his pants to get out of 'Nam yet supports the wars in Afganistan and Iraq.

Why doesn't he join a National Guard unit, can he? and the try and volunteer sent to Iraq or Afganistan, at least he'd get more respect and put his draft dodging past behind him.




  1. He is too old! Ted is one AWESOME dude!!! I am proud to say he is from Michigan! ROCK ON!

  2. Age brings wisdom, usually. He got older, wiser, and developed a deeper love for our country.

    I see no fault.

  3. Place yourself in the shoes of a 18 year old male. He has left his family, to go to college. His future looks bright.

    Suddenly, you turn the TV on. Gun shots, dead bodies, and a thick stench of rott coming from the jungle...... these are the images and vivid memories vets come back with. They pass the line of men processing in, for the Marines, Army, and Navy ect. They watch the newbies shaking nervously, and get flashbacks. The young men who had to leave college, their families, girlfriends, friends, and dreams that could've possibly been fufifilled. Can you feel the fear of a immature male who hasn't yet experienced life yet? You bet Ted was sh*tting his pants, when that draft letter came.

    As you already know - I'd assume, people do grow out of their fears. You learn to appreciate. You regret too. I bet Ted would join, if he know what he knows now. Unfortunatley, he is too old to join ANY branch. What does the guy do to makeup for the American pride, he once abandoned? He supports it now, full heartedly and enocourages youngsters to join themselves.

    So please do not go off on a anger spree here. It's uncalled for. If you are in the military now, good for you. If not, then why dont YOU join?  

  4. Yeah, I'm sure he would join if he could, but he is way too old now.  Nobody is going to let him enlist.

  5. He's too old, pure and simple.

    Given his stated political views it's interesting to note that he avoided service in The Nam the same way the Bill Clinton did:  Educational deferment.

    The story that he crapped his pants and stopped bathing for a month was a BS story to get attention to himself and try to shock a dim-bulb reporter.  There's no evidence that that was true.

  6. He's 60 years old.

    A lot of people change the way they think about things as they get older.  Only a fool would continue to cling to a way of thinking without examining it from time to time.  Obviously Mr. Nugent sees the world in a different light at 60 then he did at 25.

  7. Because Ted Nugent is a coward.  He fits the psychological profile of a coward to a T.  Brags about how "big" he is, murders helpless little animals, claims to be a devil with the ladies...oh, but what do we have here?  He ran like a mouse when it was time to stack the chips up and actually play a hand in life.  What a loser.

    Personally I hate the man.  I hate the way he goes on the Sean Hannity show and tells people that he'd "die for their right to speak freely" or "die for their right to own a firearm."  Yeah, it's really easy to SAY that sort of stuff, but its another thing entirely to actually live that way.  Its sad when a man so old can't even be honest with himself.

  8. He's too old there's an age limit.

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