
Why doesn't Titleist have any products on Tiger Woods 09?

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I have owned and played EA Sports Tiger Woods video games since the '07 version came out and there have never been any Titleist products on there. No Scotty Cameron Putter (which is what Tiger actually uses), no ProV1's, no wedges or irons. It appears as though Titleist doesn't want to be on the game. Anyone know anything?




  1. I don't think that any of the other answer-ers have played any of the games as they don't seem to understand that there's all sorts of branded golf equipment within the game (Callaway. Macgregor, Ping, Taylormade, Bridgestone, etc). I'm sure Titleist felt that the average gamer is not in their target demographic so they don't feel the need to "advertise" in the game and I iamgine they didn't want to pony up the hefty price tag that it costs to get your products into the game.

  2. Probably because Nike pays a load of money to Tiger and it is his primary sponsor.

  3. could be the gazillions of dollars that Nike pays Tiger.  

  4. It appears to me that Nike dosnt want Titleist to be involved with the game.  I think its a fair request considering how much money Nike pays Tiger.

  5. Well im gonna make this simple NIKE+Tiger Woods+Money+Video Game=only nike in video game.

  6. Haven't you heard of the deal Tiger Woods got at the start of his professional career from a company called Nike ? Would that be a logical reason?

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