Why doesn't Yahoo! LaunchCast Radio mention SAVENETRADIO.ORG? This is a web site that is trying to inform the millions of internet radio listeners that internet radio is in great jeopardy. They Copyright Royalty Board has increased the royalty burdern between 300 and 1200 percent. This means Yahoo! will have to pay $4 million dollars on July 15, 2007. This is because the new royalty burden is recursive to January 1, 2007 (That means that Yahoo! has to pay for all the internet radio activity they have had since Jan. 1st, which is a lot.)
This also means that those small radio radio stations that millions of users visit, will Shut Down forever. The small webcasters do not have the money to pay these new royalty rates!
Goto savenetradio.org right now!!!
Seriously, Yahoo! Staff, why isn't a link for SAVENETRADIO.org on your main LaunchCast Radio web page?
Your company must like handing out millions of dollars...