
Why doesn't america use its reserve oil rather than buy at the current rate which is sky high?

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usa has enough oil in reserve to last at least 50 years. similarly russia has enough coal reserve to last 200 years. russian has used coal from its reserve in times of difficulty, so why not usa use its reserve oil and wait for the oil price to come down.




  1. The reserve is for emergencies.

    Lets say a real big war breaks out. We would be screwed.

    Lets say we use it all and another embargo is made against the US to not sell oil, again screwed.

    Lets say the controlling nations know we have no reserves, we could be manipulated.

    So with that in mind what is the smart thing to do. They need to think long term and not short term with this. suggesting to use it was irresponsible and they new the answer before asking. The question was made for political purposes. Wake up sheep.

  2. 50 years?  Where did you get that number?

    I know that we have emergency oil supplies stockpiled.  However, these are supposed to be for national emergencies, and I only know of one case where we dipped into them.

    I also know we have untapped oil resources that would be too expensive to exploit under the current cost of oil.

    I think we need to live with the higher prices, though, as it's a result of our own greed and refusal to look for new/better sources of energy when the costs were still reasonable.  Having to pay through the nose may finally get us off our collective duff and get us to do something about it.

  3. Because there's not actually that much in reserve. They overstate reserves to maximize the amount they're able to produce.  

    I love the thumbs down. Like I'd make it up.

  4. It is actually only 12 years worth of oil.

    So this is meaningless (as  well as drilling ANWAR)

  5. If you are referring to the Unite State's strategic oil reserve (as opposed to the stuff in the ground), the reason we don't use it is because that oil is for emergency military use.  Obviously it is a smart idea to have that kind of insurance.  A better question to ask might be "Why don't we drill for the untold amount of oil that is still in the ground on American soil?"  The answer to this question gets quite bit a more political, so I'll refrain from responding.

  6. then it wouldn't be reserve oil would it.

  7. VERY good question!  I have been wondering about that very same thing!

  8. Because we may need that oil if we get attacked or in the event of another World War.

  9. cus then they would hav to bring the price down init.

    so why should they.

    As for pointing the fingers , they do that to fool the public.

  10. why don't you use your retirement money for that new car you've had your eye on? same concept.

  11. supposedly there isn't enough.

  12. Reserve is for true emergencies.  What if we couldn't even power our basic electric plants or Middle East forced an anti-export policy of oil to America?

       $4.00/gallon oil prices are seriously annoying, but not half as bad as, say, a 2 week electrical blackout (from lack of oil or coal) of the entire city where people can't even do work or make money at all.

      We shouldn't be banking on trying to lower oil prices...we should be banking on using other sources for fuel.  If we had smaller/electric cars and decent wind and tidal plants to power them we'd be 100% free of dependence on oil in the first place.  We should be putting our money toward the future rather than sudden impulses to lower price.  

       And, agreed, Bush is making virtually NO grounds on either lowering oil prices OR alternative energy standardization progress.  Which is a large part why his party has largely lost my trust as good guardians to the American economy.

  13. America is not the question! It's the greedy president and lazy politicians! too many over paid people in congress and the house that has nothing better to do than scratch their assess and pick their noses!

  14. Its all about profitability. It also keeps the economy healthy because lower prices=less spending.

  15. Because congress keeps pointing fingers at the president and vise versa

  16. Hillary as asked the same question I wonder my self. Because we have stupid people running the country.

  17. The US strategic petroleum reserve (which is meant to supply the military in case of a large-scale war) would only be enough for the country for a few weeks -- not 50 years.

    There may be enough oil in the ground in the continental US, offshore, and in Alaska for 50 years, but congress has put up too many roadblocks for oil companies to produce it.


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