
Why doesn't american people allow the leader o Medal Traker in Beijing 2008 is China?

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Why doesn't american people allow the leader o Medal Traker in Beijing 2008 is China?




  1. What do you mean by allow? I don't control the media. People call us whiners? Good God, I wish whoever was in charge would change it to shut whoever is complaining about it up.

  2. There is no official tally tracker of following a "winner" in the olympics, just like some countries use the metric system and some don't....America says overall medal count is what's important, other's think it only matters how many golds you have....which I think is ridiculous.  If it didn't matter, then why bother awarding a silver and a bronze?  Tell that to the kid that worked 4 years to finish .01 seconds behind the winner, that he's not either as good...or possibly better on another given day...than the winner of that race.

    Keep in mind if you throwout judged events, the Chinese would have far fewer golds as well.  Sometimes being the host nation helps out quite a bit it would seem.  

  3. We are all aware that we have more medals - but a lot less Gold - I'm not sure why this false interpretation of other nations is so important to some of you.... it kills the spirit of the Olympics... get over it

  4. Are people still crying about this?  It's sad that they call us whiners.  Good grief.

  5. You might want to get a permit to hold an approved demonstration about this in Beijing, this is of vital international importance and more important than anything else going on in the world.

    I believe it is Tibetan Monks and not the Americans that are behind this.

  6. I am American

    As long as I remember, the count always was done that way

    Would it be a issue if America had more gold and China had more medals, and was listed first

    This is how the medal count was always done

    1.  number of total medals

    2.  number of gold, then silver, then bronze

    If China and US had the same number of medal, China would be place first.

    If your country has five medals, and no gold, you are list above a country that has one medal that is gold.  

    Why do you and others have a problem with this?

    Are you upset that Russia has 51 total medals and 16 gold and is above in the medal count to Britain with 17 gold and 39 medals

    Russia should be place above Britain

    It's just no the US and China

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