
Why doesn't anybody ever want to hear about the use of steroids?

by  |  earlier

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People accused Marion Jones of doing the same thing over years. And everybody said she is just naturally this fast. Until she admitted to it. There are tons of other athletes who do it and the sad thing is that most never actually get caught. Steroids are constantly being changed. They can't test on steroids that are not known to them. That's how Marion Jones got away over all these years.




  1. yes a lot of athletes are probably on steroids but not all of them. there are a lot of athletes who have put so much heart and determination into their training to qualify so don't take that away from them

  2. You must be out of touch. Lots of athletes were banned or stripped of their medals in this Olympics. Even some horses were banned.

  3. Because all you are doing is instigating on a problem that is strongly enforced in the olympics already.

  4. The truth is, they're all on drugs. People don't want to know about it because it would make the Games meaningless. Sometimes it is better to believe a fiction than to know the truth. That's the same reason we enjoy watching magicians.

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