
Why doesn't anyone colonize New Zealand?

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People say it's a beautiful country, but right now, it's overrun with a bunch of KIWIS! Isn't it about time someone staked claim to these islands?




  1. What do you mean?  New Zealand doesnt just have kiwi's. We have a very large Asian poulation & Pacific Island population. Also the british, American & Canadian population in NZ has rised dramactially in the past 15 years.

    But if youre talking about the birds..... Kiwi's are quite rare, there are barely any around any more.

    I dont think you've been to NZ because its obvious you dont know anything about NZ

  2. you need to provide more information in your question.....some background and exactly say what your question is or put it in another way?do you mean why it is not more populated than what it is now?and what percentage of people are kiwis ( main stream New Zealanders) and what percantage other nationalities?and why it is the way it is?Is that what you mean?and what do you want it be?

  3. i live in nz and the maoris claim everything they even think they own the sea bed (nuts ahy) and they say they were the first here

  4. lol

  5. Tell me how and I will go and take over the kiwi country

  6. Good idea. I'd be in favour of the French, Italians, Dutch, and Swedes colonizing NZ together, in a joint effort (no pun intended ;-)

    that way, we'd all get EU-passports, spend even more time eating nice meals and drinking premium wines, get trained in the ways of the dolce far niente of the Italians (plus, don't forget the custom of the all-day lunch break), bike tracks everywhere, legalization of interesting garden plants, and supremely safe driving.

    I'd be all for it.


    Seeing the other answers here, I'd say bring the British back, too. Seems like the ship with the cargo of humour never made it.

  7. Bro, the only reason Maoris claim the Sea Bed is because the other fellas own the Jolly swimming pools:o) LOL

  8. When talking Kiwi, are you talking - bird or human?  So, where would you hail from then?

  9. New Zealand was a colony of the British Empire but we are no longer a member of the Commonwealth, as it doesn't exist. Why on earth do we need to be colonized anyway? We've got our own Government and doing just fine. I'm not sure what country you're from, probably America, but we have a better social welfare system than a lot of countries.

    If this was your attempt at making a joke, it wasn't very funny.


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