
Why doesn't anyone ever apologize to me?

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Ok, when I get into arguments or sometimes fights I always say sorry to the person that I get into it with, but they never say sorry to me. Even when they say or do hurtful things to me.

Why is it that I'm always the first one to say sorry, even if I didn't start anything?

Why don't people take accountability for what they done and tell me that their also sorry?

The way they go about things, make it seems like it was entirely my fault; however, it takes two to tango and both parties need to apologize.

But again, I'm the only one who would admit that I was wrong and to say sorry, but no one else admits this.

So should I just be like them, and don't say anything?




  1. I just tell them why they were wrong & when they admit it I say "apologize" & it helps me make my point that they are thoughtless. I am better than those ingrates. I am being funny but this is truly what happens at my house.  

  2. so many people have moved so far away from etiquette, accountability, empathy and responsibility for their actions.  they then pass these poor habits on to their children.  

    your thought and ability to apologize are to be commended; you realize your error(s) and accept responsibilty for your contribution to the situation.  please do not step as low as the other person; as the old saying goes "2 wrongs don't make a right".  but, don't be a pushover...apologizing when you are not at fault.  

  3. thanks im not only one who says sorry all the time...i want people to believe me and not judge though i have myself but at least i can tell all the sins ive done while i was being uncizlized that to me is true meaning of sin -not being human being something less than-

    I have faults and i have ups. I can be a phisopher even im mentally handicap i dont think that should be a problem u can become a phisopher even if your a lower IQ. Wise or smart has nothing to do with it.

    Sorry about my spelling. Hope u understand write. I want men not abuse me but i should consider the same respect to them in return u kno.  Thats all.

  4. I have this happen to me too, and it bugs me also.

    If you are sorry, say so.  If the other person is mature, they will say it also, but if not, don't waste time agonizing over it.

  5. GreatBud,I am sorry about that.  Terribly sorry about that.  No,Don't stoop to their level.  I have that same problem myself.  But I just apologize when I know I don't have to.  It takes a big man to admit when he is in the wrong.  But it takes a bigger man to apologize for others.  Just think of it this way,You are actually saving these people.  Each time you apologize,Just think,This apology is heard by the Lord.  He will acknowledge that you are apologizing for your friend's pig-headedness.  These people have too much pride.  And let me tell you,Pride is a sin.  These people will never admit when they're wrong because they don't want to admit the obvious.  You on the other hand seem to admit when you are wrong even if you could be right.  And this makes you the bigger man.  Don't ever change your ways.  Someone will take notice and they will apologize to you.  You are one incredible person.  Truly a rare breed this day and age.  Any women that can see this,We have definitely a keeper here!! ;)  A man that is this sweet and modest,He will make some woman very very lucky.  You have a goodnight,My friend.  Once again,I'm sorry that this has hurt you so.  Bye for now.


  7. A person has to stand up or themselves. If you feel you are in he wrong apologize. If you don't think you have done anything wrong then don't. Maybe you are seen as a push over and people take advantage of you. It is hard to be assertive but sometimes you have to be and stand up for your rights as a human being. If someone does not apologize and you think they should demand that they do.  

  8. You're obviously the bigger person.  Unfortunately, I am a childish person who HATES to say 'I'm sorry' just because I hate to admit I was in the wrong (even if it was painfully obvious I was).  I can't help it, I inherited it from my mother.  So for all those people who can't admit they were mistaken and cannot say 'I apologise', I will say 'I'm sorry' for them.  (It doesn't hurt my ego because I don't know you and will never meet you).

  9. Very telling question. Maybe you are too co-dependent and let things get to you more than these other people let things get to them? Huh?Why would you even say you're sorry if you did nothing wrong? or are you trying to prompt the other person into apologizing to you and then it back fires.

    You want other people to be accountable for what "you" perceive them to have done "wrong". What has made you feel so slighted? Was there  something specific that happened that upset you?

    Are you able to say to your friend-"when you said ______that really hurt my feelings"

  10. no dont do that...we need more people like you in the world thats going crazy...but believe me your not the only one...there are others who are thinking of the same thing...hence the phrase sometimes used 'where is the world going?'

  11. People know that you are very generous and you are taken into granted.The people always try to put their mistake on others head who are weak in emotion .Whatever you do you take the responsibility and never feel guilty if it goes wrong because nobody is perfect here in this world and be grateful that there are so much imperfections .Only the people who think that they are perfect refuse to say sorry and we are not perfect!!! so dont worry tell the sorry first!!

  12. No just be the better person and apologize.  

  13. Apologize when you are in error, but don't suggest to others that you should do the same.  (it will likely cause a disagreement : )  )

    Maybe you could be on the lookout for some nicer people to be friends with.

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