
Why doesn't chucke E. cheese let kids under 18?

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in without a parent by they're side? WTF i went to my friends 17th birthday (she's a kid at heart) and i walked in and the lady that was stamping hands was like "i can't let you in without a parent guardian" what the fuh'k? so i had to call my friend's mom to come and say i'm with her. but yeah my question is why don't they let kids under 18 in?




  1. yea because you maybe a kidnaper its not something personal but its better tey have control there are alot of crazy people out there.

  2. At one point Chuck E. Cheese did let teenagers in.  This was during the 80's and early 90's when playing video games in arcades was still popular (as opposed to on home systems).  The environment, as a result, was not very family friendly since it tended to be full of teenagers joking, swearing, doing the things that normal teens do.  In order to change their image and to get in more families (who are worth more money to them since they buy food, beer for the adults, and spend way more on games since little kids go through tokens very quickly) they stopped allowing unaccompanied teens.


  4. Ha, ha, that's because to them, and legally, you're still a kid. They could get in legal trouble if something happens to you in there and you're not with your parents when you're under 18. Kinda lame, but true.

  5. because they don't allow children to leave the store unattended without the adult that came with them.  Also, chuck e. cheese understands that a lawsuit can come up if a child is suddenly missing.

  6. so you don't terrorize the little kids.

  7. Well, technically you are still a kid and legally regardless if you are 3 or 17, they are responsible for you. They have this strict policy for a reason. Besides, you never know what a kidnapper will look like. Years ago there was a killer - Ted Bundy. He didn't look like a murdered and got the women to trust him. Looks are deceiving.

  8. Because this is a place for young children dear, and while you may be mature enough, some kids your age are not and I have seen 15-16 year olds racing around knocking little children out of the way.

    This is a place for little ones to have fun and be safe doing so. Parents are suppossed to feel reasonably comfotable sitting back and relaxing while their kids play...go to the mall instead or dave and busters where young adults more your age can have fun..leave CEC to the little ones.

    EDIT* Besides your use of WTF in every sentence shows that your way too old to be in CEC, young children should not be subjected to this sort of talk and I'm sure you use it elsewhere too.

    Wow so if I have this right, You want to go to Chuck E Cheese, wear High heals and a skirt, and Hang out with other fine upstanding teens such as yourself, are you kidding me, this is for children!!! ( don't they have any under 21 club scenes you could be terrorizing? ) If I was at CEC with my 3 little girls and you were there with your friends I'd see to it that your high heeled smart mouthed behind was thrown out on your respective A$$. I go to great lengths to keep my girls away from influences like you.

  9. If they let you in then they would have to let 8 year olds by themselves in- if you worked there would you want unsupervised 8 year olds running around everywhere?  Age 18 is just the easiest age to cut off at because some 14 year olds are responsible, but a lot aren't, so there never is a definitive line until 18 :)

  10. omg! i know what the h**l

    i think i can take responsibility for myself. im 17:)

    they wont let me in omg.


    all people below me got a good point though

  11. hahahahahahahah maybe thats just their rules? who knows but i get in all the time :D im 17

  12. I've never had a problem with getting into chuck e cheese's but maybe that's because I've always had a kid with me.

    Just say you are with a birthday party. Come holding a present or something. Geez. Maybe they thought you looked kidnapper...ish.

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