
Why doesn't floss remove all the plaque between my teeth?

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After brushing and flossing I used a disclosing tablet. I had pink between every tooth even though I had just flossed! I flossed again and chewed another disclosing tablet. I still had pink between my teeth. I floss exactly how the dentists says to but it does not seem to work. What can I do?




  1. You may need to have your teeth cleaned, what is staining may not be plaque, but deposits that have to be scaled off by the hygienist or dentist....

    After that, I bet, you won't have the pink stain....but good for you, and using the disclosing tabs!!!

  2. Floss isn't supposed to get rid of all the plaque.  It's just supposed to clean what a toothbrush wouldn't be able to get to.

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