
Why doesn't he ask me out?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone knows we like each other. But we havent actually told one another.

We liked each other for about 4 years, stopped and then liked each other again. I mean he may be scared to ask me, but he isn't a very shy guy, but i know he's never had a girlfriend, but he's very well liked.

It's weird.

But also he's always smiling at me, and when ever we pass in the hall he says hi, and calls me by my real name, not my nickname, i think he likes it better, or he knows it ticks me off, but in a playin around kind of way. What do you think is going on? please help, i would really appreciate it.




  1. maybe he doesn't want to be in a relationship yet... guys may smile at you all the time but it doesn't mean that they like you the way you like them... guys are pretty easy to read you know, they get what they want when they want it... if he really likes you, he should have dome something about it even if he's the shiest peron on earth...  

  2. i think that even tho he may seem like hes not shy that because he likes you so much he may be shy with you - does he show any other girls the same kind of special treatment - if he doesn't - i would say that he just doesn't know how to come on to a girl and ask her to be his - if i was you i would just tell him straight out sometime when your alone that i really like him and want us to be more than friends or hi and good-buy buddies - plus 4 years is a long time to like someone and not make a move - he might think you don't think the same way about him - trust me boys are very emotional just like girls - they just try not to show it - best of luck  

  3. because guys think that its the girls job to ask, or the old fashioned way "when they get ready" or never.

  4. oh gosh girl i have had this before!

    okay hes probably never had a gf becuz hes scared to ask..

    if you have texting or email myspace..ect. message him and be like so i heard you like me...just causually its a lot less akward then in person.

    if he wants you bad enough he will, it seems hard now but itll get easier.

    good luck :)

  5. Maybe he is waiting for a right time to ask u or maybe he is flirting with other girl's for now to see if ur right for him or not so that's all i have to say for now so i hope i helped u wit him so good luck to u ok later bye

  6. Right, i think you should sit him down and talk about your feelings. If he gets embarressed about it when you ask him, It's obvious that he does like you. Dont be afraid to make the first move, He's probably feeling the exact same way :)

  7. I think that you need to ask him out.This is 2008.If you already know that he likes you its too easy.

  8. maybe he's g*y

  9. hmm tough one yes he wants to stay single bcuz he wants to flirt with all the girls or he may be g*y

  10. maybe u should go up and ask him out

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