
Why doesn't he believe me!!! PLEASE HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1994 and moved to the USA in 2000, but for some reason this kid will not believe me!!! I don't know what to do!!! Being my birth certificate is sort of weird, plus it's lost. Please I missing a lot of picture of me in South Africa, plus I don't think my mom will let me use them. We lost a lot of them and she doesn't like me messing with them. It's SOOOOOOOOO annoying!!!! It's driving me INSANE!!! Why won't he just believe me!!!! I don't get it!!!!! If I say my mom want let me bring the pictures, he'll be like "Because you don't have any." When that's not true!!! ARGH!!!!! He's a friend so I talk to he a lot, so how can I get him to believe me!!!!




  1. Maybe don't try so hard. Tell him that he can't prove that you weren't & just ignore him when he presses the issue.  

  2. if he doesn't believe you, why are you so determined to be his friend?

  3. Sounds like he is saying he doesn't believe you just to annoy you.  If he was truely your friend, your word would be good enough.  Don't let it bother you - you know the truth

  4. Just ignore him!

    so what if he doesn't believe you!

    You know whats true and that's what counts.


  5. He probably is just saying he doesn't believe you because it is driving you insane. he probably finds that humorous. I wouldn't worry about him believing you are not. You know yourself. That's all that really counts.

  6. you know it so the rest does matter just ignore him when he bugs'll pass.

  7. dont waste your time and energy on him, move on he is doing it on purpose.

  8. Why do you need the person to believe you? If it's someone over the internet, just disregard them. It's not worth your time to prove your identity to them. I mean, it's his problem if he doesn't believe you, not yours.

  9. If this boy is also around your age (14), it is quite possible that he is pressing the issue because he likes you, I mean LIKES you.

      You see, he knows that you are passionate about proving it and it keeps an ongoing conversation open between the two of you.

      If you want proof of my theory, just wait until the next time you see him. He will probably bring up the subject first.  

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