
Why doesn't he understand?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't get the additional warranty for iTunes right away. But then I decided that I should. Well yesterday, I asked my dad if I can go to Walmart today and get it, and he said "we'll see". Today, I asked him, and he said no without giving me a reson. This was at about 5pm. I asked him again at 6:30 and he said that it needs an oil change. I told him I'll do it, and he said no. Then I offered him to take the car to Jiffy Lube, and pay for the oil change with my own money, and he said it was closed. Well, why couldn't he let me do it earlier then? He knows that I need to get this warranty, it's like he's trying to p**s me off or something. Why the heck should I pay for insurance if I only drive the car once a week. Walmart is about an hour long walk from my house and I guess I'll be walking there. What do I do about him? I can't stand being near him anymore.




  1. Do you have a job? Save up some money and get your own vehicle.

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