
Why doesn't he wear his ring anymore?

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I have a friend that I know that used to wear his wedding ring all the time and then he cheated on his wife with a younger girl and his wife found out and I have noticed that for the past 4 or 5 months he never has his wedding ring on anymore but I know they are still together. I would have thought that thier marriage would be healed by now from what he did but I dont know. Why dont you think he wears it anymore?




  1. His wife probably sold it.

  2. he needs to appear to be more single

  3. probably because hes still cheating and when he meets women he doesnt want them to know hes married. After they faught about it he probably took it off in spite and now he thinks he doesnt have to put it back on. Even if their marrage is healed most people cheat more then once and if she let it happen once shell forgive him for it again and he knows it. You need to tell him u know what hes doing and its not right. If he loves his wife and only wants to go out n have s*x n cheat for fun he needs to get his head out of the clouds. Divorce is ugly and if she has evidance of him cheating shell get everything.

  4. He's trying the old "I don't have a wedding ring" trick so he can get laid.

  5. Its probably the guilt.

    To just look at that ring everyday knowing that he lied to his wife when she put that ring on his finger,its maybe just eating him up inside.

  6. 1. He's allergic to it.

    2. He wants to be presented to others as single.

    3. He's old and doesnt think it matters.

    4. He's a mechanic or electrician and afraid to get electrocuted.

  7. There are a lot of reasons whay he would stop wearing his ring:  feelings of guilt, the break up of a marriage, his wife taking it from him...the list goes on and on.

  8. guilty or playing it single.  dont sound like hes in it for the long run

  9. Who in the h**l cares why this sob is or is not wearing his wedding band? Obviously marriage means nothing to him, so why would wearing a ring change anything in any case. The question is: why is his wife still sharing her life with such a scumbag, after he had given her a proof of his inability to stay faithful? Some women have absolutely no self respect, so why would anyone else respect them? When trust is broken, relationship is pretty much dead, And it is time to move on.

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