
Why doesn't it matter that Joe Biden cheated in law school?

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Why doesn't it matter that Joe Biden cheated in law school?




  1. As much as I hate Joe Biden, this isn't the reason. He's done much worse things and at least he admitted to making a mistake on  this one.

  2. But of course he did...Cheating is a required course in law school.

    You are trying to fool us ...aren't you?

  3. because he is a democrat!

  4. It might, if you would list a source so other people could believe it and make their own judgment on it.

  5. Actually, to all the people who doubt that it happened, he did in fact plagiarize in law school. This is a commonly known fact (you can look at the NY Times article posted above for further info). However, people can argue about whether or not he did it on purpose... He claims he accidentally didn't cite some sources. Since schools weren't as insane then as they are now about plagiarism I can see how a mistake can be made. But obviously, we weren't there so who knows if he purposefully plagiarized or not.

    Sorry BD, I obviously didn't answer your question. It probably will be brought up but since it was so long ago, people make mistakes, etc, etc it wont become a main focus.

  6. It's important to know how to apologize for your mistakes if you want to be a politician.

  7. This is what I talk about when I say “McCain uses dirty technologies.” Where are your facts? This is how you spread false rumors and try to fool people. You spread that “Obama is Muslim” even though Obama proved that he is a Christian. How can you think that you can use these technologies to fool the American people? Sham on you!!!

  8. Why doesnt it matter that McCain graduated last in his class?

  9. The fact is that everyone in the race right now is either a self-important weenie or a crazy old guy with a flappy neck.

    I'm voting for Bartlet.

  10. Because you're lying, that's why it doesn't matter.

  11. Perhaps in the same way it "doesn't matter" that Bush cheated in the 2000 election?


    Here from the New York Times.

  13. John McCain was a poor student at Annapolis and an even worse pilot.

  14. Cheated in law school?  I don't believe this.  If he did post a source, otherwise you sound like a liberal....

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