
Why doesn't my Bearded Dragon like contact?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I pick him up he is okay for a little. But then he just goes crazy. Runs into the wall of his cage. Or if I have him out of his cage he runs up my shirt. He is, i think, around 1 year old. And I haven't held nearly at all, because he just doesn't cooperate.




  1. Rpetiles do not like handles but some will tolerate it. They are not cuddle pets. The bearded dragons to tolerate handleing a bit better than most. The more confident you are in picking up and handling a reptile, the more comfortable and relaxed they will be with being picked up and handled. Some things to make sure of is that you are supporting his body weight and length. Make sure you move camly and slowly. Rembemer they are wild aniamls so don`t expect them to respond to things the same way as your dog or cat would. It just may take time for you and your bearded dragon to get cofrable with each other.

  2. my dragon's the same way. when mine does it i try to hold him for a couple more seconds to see if he stops but if he doesn't i just put him back in the cage again and then i try an hour later.

  3. try to go slow around him and show him that your his friend

  4. if u just got him/her then its scared but try to move up on it slowly and if it runs just put your hand in front of his/her face and it will stop and pick it up and handle it everyday and it will get hand tamed

  5. Reptiles do not enjoy handling, but they can over time become accustomed to it.  Try short handling sessions at a time and return him before he gets stressed out.

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