
Why doesn't my Yahoo Page update? Today it was showing me sports scores from May, 21?

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It also does not updatye on Lottery results




  1. try re-entering your homepage

    in best results---fizzle

  2. Originally, I thought that this had to do with Yahoo not being completely supported on IE 7.  My office laptop, using IE 6, showed an up to date scoreboard, while my home laptop, using IE 7, still shows May 21st.  So what happens this morning on my IE 6?  I'm getting the same scores from May 21st.  And no, emptying the cache doesn't do anything.

    I think Yahoo simply doesn't know sports.

  3. The page is probably being cached by your browser. Web pages are saved to your hard drive so that when you return to the page it can be accessed from the hard drive a lot quicker than downloading it each time. This is known as "cached" Cached webpages are especially useful if you have dial-up or if you want to access web content when you are offline - but you need to be aware of how this works to avoid issues like the one you describe.

    You need to either find the setting in your specific browser to control the caching or try refreshing the page manually.

    Control F5 will clear the cache in Internet Explorer

    Shift + Reload button in Firefox.

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