Everytime there is some natural disaster the TAX money i contribute goes to recovering areas that should NOT be permitted for populating to begin with. Those of us that live in non-coastal cities are constantly paying to 'refresh' cities that should be allowed to simply remain destroyed. what gives anyone the right to build a house on a Fault, or below sea level in a hurricane zone? what about Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, etc... isn't economic catastrophy due to lack of domestic good demand a calamity? aren't lives destroyed and people lose homes and cars because of layoffs and depression? why does the whole suffer because of a few? i'm sure i wouldn't be allowed to build a house on the slope of an active volcano right? why should we pay hard earned money to keep rebuilding these cities? when has anyone from L.A contributed to rebuilding my city? it isn't our fault steel workers lost jobs because of foreign goods; it wasn't a choice like it is for 'danger zoners'