
Why doesn't my family remember my birthday?

by  |  earlier

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Each year, when my birthday rolls around, I have friends who remember my birthday, but my husband never remembers it, and often neither do any of my adult children. In in the past I've made angry comments or have just pretended it didn't matter, but it does matter to me and it hurts. In my self-pity party, I perceive that they don't remember because it's not important to them, and it's not important because I'm not important to them. I remember their birthdays. So, instead of getting angry or sulking, I need some mature, constructive suggestions on how to train these inconsiderate b***s to remember other people's birthdays, even when it's not convenient for them to do so. I'm not asking for parties and/gifts - just a card or a phone call, or even "Happy Birthday!" Thanks in advance.




  1. It's okay. Your family just doesn't pay attention to your birthday. I'm sure they celebrate it between themselves. Don't worry' *pats arm*

  2. I have no idea what my mom's birthday is, same with my dad, I always have to be reminded.  It happens to people when they get older I guess people stop caring...bummer

  3. How sad, I feel like this every year too, we should hang out on each others birthdays haha.Mention like a week before your birthday "Oooh, I'm so excited, turning ## on Tuesdays/Saturday [whatever it is], life has brought so many wonderful things, like you kids."

    It's subtle, and they get a compliment, that way it sticks in their heads.

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