
Why doesn't my father want me to move out the house?

by  |  earlier

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He said I can after college ...then I said ill move out after college and he said he still doesn't want me to move out..?




  1. yeah your dad isn't ready to let you go yet. I had the same problem with my parents when I was ready to go to an out of state college. I was ready to go, my mom was ready for me to go, but my dad wasn't.

    The best thing you can dois talk to you dad and tell him how you feel. Let him know that just because you're moving out doesn't mean you're leaving. tell him how you'll call him as much as you can, come to see him when you can.

    Just talk to him, best advice I can give you

  2. well when ur a legal adult u can do what u want.

  3. maybe because he cant let go yet? he thinks of you as a little kid?

    c**p i dunno =| sorry..  

  4. Guess he loves you and your company.

  5. Your parents think that the time between when you were born and when you graduate from college is like a nanosecond.  You should just buy a house for now and move into it when your dad says you can.

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