
Why doesn't my fish tank filter work?

by Guest59028  |  earlier

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I have a Whisper 10 Power Filter I bought about 5 weeks ago, after 4 weeks it quit working, so I changed the Bio Bag filter thing, but it still doesn't work. When I plug it in I can hear it sucking up water, but it doesn't get filtered and flow back out. I have a 10 gallon tank and this is annoying. Can anyone help please?




  1. the filter loses suction when is air pour water where the thing that goes in the water and the motor meet

  2. Did you prime it?

    Pour water into the reservoir of the pump and see if that helps you.

  3. I like Crystals' answer about disassembling the filter, cleaning it, and putting it back together again. You would be surprised how quickly the filter parts can become clogged up with sediment/gunk. it is also a good idea to make sure that you have put water into the filter to prime it  before turning it on, but if it worked before then I suppose that isn't the problem.

    If it is only five weeks old I suggest going back and asking the store about warranty on the filter. But if you have already tossed the receipt they will maybe refuse to consider that option. If it is a pet store (not Walmart, etc.) someone there might be willing to help you figure out what is wrong with it and how to fix it. If they won't do that for you, find a pet shop that will (usually at no charge except for replacement parts), and if it can't be fixed get a new one there and give them your business from now on because they were at least willing to try to fix it for you. I would at first ask the salesperson if they keep fish themselves. If they do, they are more likely to be able to be helpful to you because they probably know what they are talking about and won't b...s... you!

    If you have to replace the whole filter I also would recommend getting an Aquaclear filter. They seem to give you the best "bang for your buck."  Also they are pretty basic in their construction and easy to disassemble and put back together again if you need to repair/replace a part in the future. They also do a pretty good job of filtering.

    Also I usually take a piece of coarse filter sponge media, cut a slice-hole into it at one end and slide that over the end of the intake tube. It is then very easy to remove this "pre-filter" as frequently as necessary, squeeze all the mud out of it in used aquarium water and slide it back over the end of the intake tube. It cuts down on the gunk that builds up in the inside media, and is a lot easier to clean. Periodically you still have to clean the inside media, but not as often. Also you are preserving more of the nitrifying bacteria in the filter and doubling the area that the water passes through. Just don't change all the filter media at the same time. Do the different parts at different times so that you save more of the bacteria to "seed" the cleaned +/or new media.

    I hope this helps you and I hope that I didn't go on too long.

  4. Take it off of the tank and take it to the sink.  Remove the media to a separate pail of water (aquarium water to keep the beneficial bacteria alive) if the media is so dirty it is restricting water, rinse it with aquarium water until water can flow properly.

    Take the filter apart (most are easy to dissemble/re-assemble for easy cleaning.  Clean thoroughly, take a snake to the filter uptake tube. Clean propeller and surrounding very well, take propeller out and make sure its hole is clean of any debris.

    Put back together, replace media, and see if it works.

    If not, some pet stores can do repairs.  Ask for a repair quote, it may be easier to get a new filter (I prefer Aquaclear - easy clean, variety of media available, last a long time)

  5. Could it be clogged?  Try cleaning it. Also, turn the filter on ( try this before cleaning your filter and everything) and get some water. Get a big cup and when the filter is plugged in pour the water in the filter. Filters need some water in them before they can start. ( just keep pouring water in the filter until it starts going by itself)

    I think this is the reason right here, Take off the lid, now on the right side of the filter take out the thing that I think sucks up the water. It has the blue thing on the bottom. I bet this was in wrong. If it is in wrong it will make the water sound, but nothing will come up.  ( is your water level up high enough)?

    Hope I helped!

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