
Why doesn't my hamster use his wheel?

by Guest33870  |  earlier

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he stopped using it when i got a bigger cage for him and now the only exercise he gets is with his ball and i almost never put him in because i forget to take him out oops...and i tryed putting in the old wheel but that didn't work either any ideas?




  1. simple he is lazy.

  2. He's just new to the cage. He wants to explore it before using something he already knows what it is.

  3. my mouse and rat dont use their wheel eather so i threw it ut in the garbage with the rest of the junk i brought for them and they diddnt use

    but, hey you must experement with diffrent toys to see what they like ayy

  4. He's tired, he's exploring his cage, he's lazy, etc.

  5. I had a gerbil that wen i bought it was in it's wheel for TWO DAYS SOLID!!!    it didn't sleep. Then it stopped using it, and i put the bedding in and it slept in it's wheel so you could try that so the wheel doesn't got to waste.

    You could stick a note on your mirror or something saying something like "put the hamster in the ball on mon and thur" but is that doen't work then maybe you could try ask your friends/ mum/ dad to remind you

  6. He might be scared because the cage and wheel is bigger and doesn't have his smells in/on anything.

  7. Well sit him on the wheel and put ur hand up against him so he can't jump off then he will try to get out and the wheel willl move so he will start understanding that da wheel does move

  8. If your hamster is new to his cage, he would take some time to get used to the cage. Once he is familiar with his surroundings, he would start exploring and discover the wheel.

    However some hamsters are not known for taking to the wheel like normal hamsters too. They used it for storing their bedding or sleeping. In such cases, you have to compensate for the inactivity by putting your hamster in a hamster ball for 20 minutes everyday to keep it active.  And to make sure you do not forget, use an alarm or stop clock to remind you in 20 minutes.

    Another way to encourage your hamster to use the wheel is to keep treats on it so that he is encouraged to climb onto the wheel.

    Also check if the wheel is amiable for the hamster. Is it the moulded type or the wire type. Some hamsters hate the wire type since their legs get caught in the gaps of the wires. Also check if the size of the wheel is right for the hamster. If the wheel is small, it would be uncomfortable and the hamster may not take to it.

  9. Maybe try putting a tiny piece of food on the wheel, and he'll start walking towards it and it might get him exercising on it again.  Hamster's are so cute!

  10. Sometimes when a small animal gets a bigger enviorment they stop using their toys because they got more room to run around.

    My advice keep the wheel in the cage and sooner or later he start to use it again

  11. my hamster has never used his wheel. he somtimes climbs on top of it but never actually uses it. it doesnt really matter as long as you give him plenty of other exercise. its nothing to worry about. you could always buy him a new toy for his cage. my hamster has a see saw tube thing :L

  12. he grew out of the phase

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