
Why doesn't my husband want to have s*x?

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I have been married to my husband for 2 months. The honeymoon was awesome but now things aren't so great. Since the honeymoon we have had s*x 3 times. He never initiates and I am always willing to give him what he wants. In fact, I always give him what he wants and I don't get anything back during foreplay. I'm really confused.




  1. there is obviously a problem here. one reason could be that he just doesnt have the urge to have s*x (since you guys waited for so long till marriage). the other could be that he is getting it from someone else, which is another problem all together. i would really look for clues, or follow what your heart tells you.

  2. Mines like that too.  IDK why but maybe hes had s*x too many times in his life...if thats possible..who knows but its annoying and selfish.

  3. need more info... how long have you guys been together? how old are you both? I know this is way out there- were either one of you virgins?

  4. How long have you known each other before you got married?  Maybe he is having regrets about having gotten married.  Maybe he's having an affair already.  It's kind of soon for that but...hey, things happen.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know.

    Additional-Why don't you break out the vibrator while you are both in bed and he is ignoring you?  If that doesn't turn him on...well, then he's g*y and there is nothing more you can do.

    Either way, you are at least getting sexually satisfied.

  5. Oh so you married one of THOSE guys.  Not much you can really do if he's that type.

    You are falling victim to the typical marriage.  A little quicker than most but nevertheless, he's losing interest sexually.  Mix it up a little.. it might help.  

  6. Maybe he is under the strain of working alot and is tired.  My husband is not in the mood after working two and 1/2 jobs, even though I think I'm "rewarding" him.  Have fun with it.  Let him know you need him by putting a piece of candy under his pillow (let him know of the game).  Then, when he gets in the mood sometime that day, he can eagerly approach you when he's ready.

  7. I agree with you something must be wrong.  Unless he is different most guys would want lots of s*x.  Have you taked with him about it? Are you initiating s*x? That should make a man feel good, they usually want that, makes them feel wanted. If he is not responding that is weird.  You need to talk with him and maybe get some counseling.

  8. He is sexually selfish. If he refuses to give back, dont even bother trying to please him. I have no idea why he wont have s*x with you when your honeymoon was awesome. Ask him.

  9. Would you rather prefer someone new then? I hope not. But anyways..I don't think he's cheating on the side or anything. I think he's just tired of s*x...I got sick of it after doing it 2-4 times a day everyday for a month straight. Then after a while I miss it. Doing it toooo much can make it boring and the feeling gets old. Try spicing it up each time so it doesnt get dull and feel the same each time.

  10. s*x After Marriage? Never as good.

    Why wait?

    Did he give you anything at all foreplaywise before you got married? Or did you wait until you were married to do anything?

    This isn't good to be honest. Tell Him how you feel or nothings ever going to get resolved.


  11. maybe hes really tired or probably just shy.

  12. now he knows he has you and get have s*x whenever he wants so it isn't that big of deal to him and if you keep initiating it .. that will always be your job and he will just wait until you come to him for s*x

  13. There is a strong indication that he had problems sexually prior to getting married to you and you holding off until marriage made you the ideal girlfriend for him. Now that you are married, of course all of this is out in the open now. He truly needs to come clean with you as I can see this causing problems in your marriage. You did not state what his age is. Either way, the first thing he needs to do is make an appointment with a doctor to see if there is something medically wrong. The doctor can take over from there and refer him for the appropriate medical help if indeed this is where the problem. If not, the it could be psychological. Your husband may be honest when he says he truly does not know what the problem is. This does not mean you both avoid it, go get the help he needs to get him on the right path. Good luck to you!

  14. Me too. Two months later and no nookie?

    Can't say my interest in getting alittle has ever waned. And no foreplay? Man....that's worse. Only because if anything that's the best part. Like having a great meal but no appetizer.

    Any discussion with him about this? Did he say anything that may lead you to believe he has a problem?

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