
Why doesn't my pit bull look my neighibors?

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i got a pit bull and i feed it one of the best foods solid gold i even give it the missing link supplement we do not give her house food she goes to the vet we dewormer good shampoos and she eats good 2 times a day ,she is 4 years old but allways skinny we use to feed her california natural but still the same we run her every other day and she comes from a good line but my neighbors pit bull is 10 years old they never have took it to the vet only for its rabbies shots 1 exam and they feed it old roy puppy the blue bag and for years that dog looks great and it has no healh problems they gave their dog 1 exam and blood work last year and say she is healthy you got to see this pit bull to believe the coat is more glossy than my dog i was thinking of buying that food but i here so many bad things i did give my dog puppy food for 1 year sensible choice but still dont look right all my neighbors give their dog old roy and they look good its driving me mad so what should i do i took my dog in to see the vet for complet exam and she is fine any advice please be nice.jasmine and guys thanks for all your opion.




  1. No don't change over to that junk! My dog seemed fine on pedigree(also c**p) but his health improved so much when I switched to California natural and healthy human foods.

    Make sure your giving him chews daily like braided bully sticks and hooves. It will keep her busy and happy.

    I like that your feeding supplements, but how about supplements in their natural form instead of in a powder that missing link puts it in. Like pieces of chicken jerky,raw egg yolks(no whites!),blueberries,capsules of fish oil,and yogurt.

    EDIT: In response to the thumbs down, If it was because of the pedigree statment, I was going to add on but forgot so I just added that his health improved when we switched.

  2. How much food are you feeding... you may need to feed more.  Younger dogs are more prone to burn up more food than older dogs.  Also breeding is a factor.  Did you see the parents of the puppy you bought.

  3. Holy run-on sentence, Batman!

    They could be completely different breeds, even though they both look like pit bulls, or yours could have come from BYB's even though they tole you it came from good lines.

  4. She may just be petite, it's okay for her to be her. Her genes may be a little narrower than your neighbors dogs, it's okay. As long as when you run your hands down her sides you can feel her ribs, but they are not sticking out and her hips are not sticking out, then she is in great condition. And, those dogs on old roy may "look" ok, but trust me, there insides are not nearly as good as your dogs. Old Roy is such a bad food, it shouldn't even be called a food. They are just lucky they haven't gotten sick yet. It has bad proteins, bad carbs, bad vitamins and minerals, bad everything, there bodies defenses are limited and its sad to say but they probably wont live as long as your dog because of the poor nutrition they are getting. Nutrition is key to a long and healthy life.

  5. Numerous reasons.

    The food doesn't agree with her.  A less expensive food doesn't always mean it's poor quality.  Even if you did switch to Ol'Roy it doesn't mean your dog would do as well as the neighbors dog.

    Maybe you're shampooing too frequently.

    Maybe over-vaccinating.  Are you familiar with this?  It happens every day to so many dogs.

    And maybe it's just not in her line to have those qualities you admire in the dog next door.  Different parents you know.

    My understanding of feeding and supplements was that if the dog is getting a quality kibble it is a complete balanced diet. Supplement can throw the balance out of whack and create problems as well.

  6. Ol Roy is c**p food and you will regret it if you switch, Pit Bulls are a very lean muscular breed they are not supposed to be all stocky and 100lbs.

    how much does your dog weigh? do have pics of both dogs or at least yours?..Ol Roy is going to add more fat to a dog, which you dont want fat on your Pit Bull. also theres alot of different bloodlines, and some pit bulls fill out differently. stick to what you are doing add some extra protein to your dogs diet, that will help to bulk her up a little.

    also for the supplements you should try Nu-vet, i give my dogs those and it helps them fill out nicely.

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