
Why doesn't my sciatica go away?

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I have had sciatica for 3 months now and just wondering if it will go away eventually. I am awaiting a MRI scan result soon. Why does it last for so long? I have a slipped disc by the way in my lower back.

thank you.




  1. It will go away when your slipped disc gets sorted out

  2. Hi Rose

    The true answer is it depends on exactly what is causing your sciaitca. If you have a slipped disc in your lower back this is likely to be causing pressure on one of the adjacent nerve roots thus causing your sciatica. It depends on how bad the bulging disc is. These sorts of things can sort themselves out on their own or with the help of physical therapy (e.g. physiotherapy or osteopathy) but it is not uncommon for it to take from 3 and 12 months. So a 3 month history is relatively early days I am afraid.

    If it is the disc it is very important to eliminate anything that maybe aggravating the bulging disc. So no slouching in comfy sofas, no excessive curving or bending the back or twisting when lifting.

    If you want to try something for yourself aimed a self help for the disc bulge, you could consider buying an inversion table (they cost around £100), this will gently stretch your spine and hopefully take some pressure off your disc and the compressed nerve. You could also try "McKenzie exercise", which involve lying on you tummy and gently using your arms to push you shoulders off the ground so arching your back backwards, hold the position for 30 seconds or so and repeat 5 or 6 times, if you can do it you could rest up on your elbows; don't do this exercise if you have been told you have a "spondylolisthesis" (so it may be worth holding off until you MRI results come back). For more personalised in depth advice you could try calling the National Back Pain Helpline (see. they are a new organisation that  has just started up, the lines are operated by fully qualified, experienced back pain clinicians who offer personalised advice to people with your sort of problem. There is a charge to speak to the clinicians (either pay as you go or via a credit card number) but this still works out cheaper than seeing a physio privately and certainly alot cheaper than seeing a consultant privately. There's also some pictures of back exercise on their website.

    Some of the most important things be on the look out for is severe weakness or numbness in your leg(s) and for any numbness around you back passage together with inability controlling urination and defaecation as this could indicate severe nerve compression or something called "cauda equina syndrome" which bascially means nerves going to you bladder and bowel are being affected - if these things occur you may need surgery (very quickly in the case of cauda equine sydrome) to prevent permanent nerve damage. Thankfully cauda equine syndrome is relatively rare so don't worry too much (just be aware of it's existance).

    If your MRI result comes back saying there is not a disc bulge or that it's not that bad then you sciatica may be coming from something other than the disc, check out for information on causes of sciatica that can mimic sciatica caused by  a slipped disc. The treatment / management will depend on the cause, so for example "pirifromis syndrome" will need some form of deep tissue massage ./ manipulation accompanied by hip muscle balancing exercises.

    In reality people can have overlapping causes of sciatica i.e. a bulging disc pinching a nerve together with myofascial referred pain (or piriformis syndrome) making the sicatica feel even worse. This is where the nationalbackpainhelpline operators come in because they will be able to talk through your individual case a give you some personalised pointers /suggestions as this is what they specialise in (most of this adive you probably won't get from doctors or even therapists). It may be worth giving them a call when you have you MRI results.

    With the right sort of management you should recover of next few

    weeks / months.

    Best of luck, Rob.

  3. Unfortunately it is the nature of the beast, it comes and goes with no apparent rhyme nor reason!

    I have noticed that since I have had it each bout lasts longer than the last.

  4. I have a spinal infection and await an MRI scan too, I got sciatica down my left about 3 years ago and it comes and goes as it pleases, it seems.

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