
Why doesn't our Bush administration "shock and awe" Iran?

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Aren't they thought of by the Bush administration to be more of a threat than Hussein's Iraq?




  1. No, its Israel which is driving the US rhetoric.

    The Iran government is not the problem either.  They have a President who packs the intellectual punch of Dubya - both would be extreme perils to the survival of the human race and the planet. But Dubya has power and is a threat, the Iranian is a bit of a figurehead with little say in what happens.

  2. For a million reasons, not least that Iran has one of the largest militaries in the world-over half a million enlisted troops and almost as many again in reserves. So don't think for a minute that it'd be a case of just turning up and Iran rolling over in surrender as Iraq did. Iran has subs, missiles, a proper air force, a decent navy, and plenty of cash to purchase new weapons from China & Russia. The way to deal with Iran is to back moderate Iranians, fund more moderate political parties, in ordet to drive the extremists from power. That way, the middle east gets stabilised, the USA gets cheaper oil, Iran makes a tidy profit, and everyone lives happily ever after. Unless of course you are George Fuckwit Bush and you actually WANT to invade Iran to get your hands on their oil, regardless of the fact that if you think Iraq is a mess, wait till the Iranians start fighting you-it'll make Iraq look like walk in the park.

  3. They weren't a threat,but soon they will be.

    The big problem with Iran is their government not the people that live there.

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