
Why doesn't our biggest ally, Israel, send its troops to Iraq ?

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Why doesn't our biggest ally, Israel, send its troops to Iraq ?




  1. Great recipe for an all out middle eastern war. And they aren't our biggest ally.

  2. They are not Freedom Fighter.

    Not part of Team Magnificent Seven .

    Of Team Allied Forces from world war two.

    But under protective custody of Freedom Fighter.

    With a purpose.

    For the good of mankind.

    In making this world a better place to live.

    With the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  3. Because they're not our ally. No ally intentionally attacks and kills their own ally's soldiers. We gladly sacrifice our best men to do their work while they completely ignore any situation we need help with.

  4. Israel army in Iraq ? Common... lol

    They are running away from duty just because they are being beaten by Hamas! What on earth woulds these girly soldiers do in Iraq!

  5. LOL

    The Iraqis love the non musilim americans from the other side of the planet to come and police thier streets and kill people they know. (statistically every iraqi knows a innocent civilian who has been killed).

    They would love even more the friend of that invader to enter the picture.

  6. Because their not our biggest Ally, and if you spend even a second thinking you'd know the effect Israeli troops in Iraq would have on every other Arab nation.

  7. Because they have their own war every day with Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinian government.

  8. Ever saw flies sucking blood from a FAT MILK COW..?

    Israel = flies


  9. I am sure you know it would set off middle east attacks from every where...Isreal - Jewish vs.  Arabs...Come on you get the picture.

  10. Because they are bigots:  they don't have to fight our war, but we have to fight their war--

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