
Why doesn't saint Sarah meet the press?

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Why doesn't saint Sarah meet the press?




  1. Because she has the executive responsibility of running a state!  

  2. They are avoiding having her answer anything they can't write or control. She is largely untested in anything but speeches and has a history of not getting along with those she works with/for (AK's state legislature, for instance).

  3. to give her sermon.

  4. Calm down

  5. well, maybe she's pulling an Obama "No Way...No How...No Spontaneous Town Halls..." attitude...

  6. She is willing to meet the press, but they are too busy trying to destroy her under the guise of "the public wants to know".

    They tried to dig up dirt on her and everything they found was a fabrication and nothing damaging was every found

    The media since they are having a hard time getting to her, they're also tried to go after her children.

    But, when she does meet with the press, she won't need a teleprompter than Obama must have.

    Yes she is a Saint, living through the lives of the liberal press and the uneducated liberals that believe the garbage they put out.

  7. Because She hasn't been canonized yet.

  8. UM she has, where have you been?

  9. her handlers wont let her. she has no real answers to any important issues,  just opinions. ( just like me, that's how common she is ) or maybe they are afraid her anger and cynicism will show through like john's does.

  10. She's still being tutored behind closed doors.

    Also, they're trying to prepare her for the Biden debate massacre she's about to undergo.

  11. Because she doesn't want to answer stupid questions that mean nothing.  

  12. She doesn't want to be confronted with her own nude photographs and the documentation of her extramarital affair with her husband's business partner.

  13. Because the press is a bunch of liberal whack jobs who will print everything she says out of context. She's too smart to go swimming with sharks.

  14. bcz no one conservative ever gets a fair shake on any of those shows

  15. im sure she will...

    she has afterall ..only been on the scene for a week you idiot

  16. Because she doesn't know how to answer questions that are not spelled out for her on a teleprompter.

  17. because she's waiting for a chance to make her debut with Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity first.

  18. because she knows that the liberal media is after her.

  19. She doesn;t have her orders yet.  

  20. Because she doesn't need to.

  21. see how out of it her followers are?

    tim russet was a republican and so have been most of those that ran that show.

    they honestly believe its the biased liberal media..ironic enough the media is owned by rupert murdock...who by  the way is ultra conservative

    he own's fox and the washington post and many..many..maaaaany other news outlets

  22. because she is running for the people not some elitist leftist press corp

  23. She will, but in the meantime, have fun making up your lies and rumors about her.  Childish on your part.

  24. they asked for an extension.  she's cramming, don't worry, she's a quick study.

  25. Because she wants to avoid a- holes like the questioner.

  26. she's scared to death without those cue cards, what a hopeless fraud!

  27. Because she would be toast with all the real questions instead of the make believe fairy tale she laid on so thick at the convention. She took six years to go through six schools to earn one measly four year degree which most kids get done in 3 years if they are smart.  She has to answer to two separate investigations as well.

    nahh she will pas on the reality check fantasy is so much more fun

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