Last year in freshmen year at high school I started talking to a girl in the class. For the first half of the year I never said anything to her but then one day I just started talking to her. We ended up talking some more, IM'ing like every day sometimes for hours , texting and we were cool. But later on she got a boyfriend and one day I noticed she wasn't on my friends list on my myspace, She said he deleted a lot of guys on there and she re-added me but then during summer the talking stopped. I was deleted again but she never said another word to me. I send her messages saying "what happened" or " whats up" but nothing... From talking a lot in freshmen year, now in sophomore year the most reactions I get out of her now is just when we pass each other in the hall. Just smile at each other. Other than that she has ignored me for a while though.... I don't know If I did something wrong or said something. We used to be great friends but now nothing. what should I do?