
Why doesn't somebody educate these people properly?

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I'm really quite angry after reading that article.

I'm not saying countries like this should have to conform to the "Western world's way" or change their values, but why are people like this ashamed of disabled kids, yet still marry within their families? Is it only to keep inheritances within the family, as suggested in the article?

Can't other nations step in and say you can't have it both ways - either marry your cousin and increase your chances of having a disabled baby, but don't hide it OR marry outside the family, decrease the chances of a disabled baby and possibly lose the inheritance (but can't they write a will?). It's just inhumane to hide someone away for the plain and simple reason they are disabled. I know they musn't have a very good hospital/medical system...but isn't that where the rest of the world is meant to step in and "help a brother out"? Doesn't the UN take care of that sort of stuff???




  1. I can't but nice rant.

  2. The U.N. actually kinda sucks, for some reason their usually a bit late.

    I don't the middle east is really messed up.

    EDIT: Person above me, I think they mean that it's not exactly the norm. Yes there is incest in the west but it's very much looked down upon and is illegal in some places. Is it illegal in Palestine?

  3. Oh my. I wish I hadn't clicked. It reminds me of the story of the daughter who's father locked her up for decades and raped her. Even had several kids with her.Perhaps they don't realize what's causing the disabilities?  

  4. I'm with you. This is further proof of how savage the Arab world is....I'm glad I'm on this side.

  5. Do you realize how much culture-killing has been done under the name of "education"?  If it's that important to you, go "educate" them yourselves.  Otherwise, get off your high horse and stop acting like our culture isn't ****** up too.

  6. surely youre not suggesting that the "western world's way" does not include incest.

  7. guess what,

    this is a rural part of the country.

    The only reason we have any tolerance in the USA and other developed countries is because we can generally afford to take care of them and put them to good use.  Two reasons they were hidden,

    one, family cant really afford to take care of them

    and two,

    with everyone mocking them, what good use could they have? What job could they get?  No one will hire them, no one will sit near them, everyone will make jokes of them.

    Westerners are advanced because they took the ideals and idea's from others and made it seem like thier own.

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