
Why doesn't someone come up with a safe cigarette? Its got to be possible...?

by Guest66971  |  earlier

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I'm an ex smoker. I still miss it and still have cravings, which I'm sure most ex smokers do. I don't understand with all the technological advances in the world today why someone has not come out with a "safe" cigarette. It would make a ton of money. . .




  1. ever heard of 'safe' class A, the highyl addictive chemicals in these drugs are why they're considered unsafe, of course, overtime other secondary effects will start to take affect. Think of it as playing with fire, can you create a fire so that you won't burn yourself when you touch it? no. the reason: simple, a fire is an exothermic process, releasing energy and therefore heat is dissipated, you touch it you burn.

    good idea, but will not work, at least it wont be cigarette anymore.

  2. I once saw a special on PBS and they showed how companies are spending million and millions of dollars to make a safe cigarette.

    Obviously, right now there is no such thing.  Even the ultra lights that have less smoke or less smoke oder are bad for you.  In fact, they might be no better than full strength cigarettes.

    However, you can bet that they won't give up in trying to make a safe smoke.  And with all the scientific innovations, and over years and years, I wouldn't be surprised if they can do it.

    Just think if there were an actual, totally safe cigarette with no side effects whatsoever.  You would sell BILLIONS AND BILLIONS.  Everyone who has quit in the past few years would be trying them, and non -smokers would not hesitate to try them.

  3. Forget about it!

    Glad to know you are  not smoking now.

  4. If it's safe it's no fun

    If it's dangerous....bring it on

    I mean it takes the fun out of it, besides if your smoking a "safe" cigarette then you'd look like a p***y

  5. i saw a digg headline today talking about "nanotech for a safer cigarette"

    i wasn't too interested in the story, so didn't read the article.

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